Homosexuals Anonymous
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Homosexuals Anonymous (HA) is a Christian fellowship of men and women who have chosen to help each other live free from homosexuality. The purpose of HA is to support individuals seeking that freedom through weekly group meetings where guidance is received through the shared experience and growth of others.

Strength is acquired by training the faith response through the 14 Steps of HA which lead to new perceptions of God, self, and the world.

HA is a non-sectarian self-help group and works inter-denominationally. It does not endorse or oppose any political causes nor does it engage in controversial issues.

Fourteen Steps of Homosexuals Anonymous:

We admitted that we were powerless over our homosexuality and that our emotional lives were unmanageable.

We came to believe the love of God, who forgave us and accepted us in spite of all that we are and have done.

We learned to see that there was purpose in our suffering, and that our failed lives were under God's control, who is able to bring good out of trouble.

We came to believe that God had already broken the power of homosexuality and that He could therefore restore our true personhood.

We came to perceive that we had accepted a lie about ourselves, an illusion that had trapped us in a false identity.

We learned to claim our true reality that as mankind, we are part of God's heterosexual creation, and that God calls us to rediscover that identity in Him through Jesus Christ as our faith perceives Him.

We resolved to entrust our lives to our loving God and to live by faith, praising Him for our new unseen identity, confident that it would become visible to us in God's good time.

As forgiven people free from condemnation, we made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves, determined to root out fear, hidden hostility, and contempt for the world.

We admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs and humbly asked God to remove our defects of character.

We willingly made direct amends wherever wise and possible to all people we had harmed.

We determined to live no longer in fear of the world, believing that God's victorious control turns all that is against us into our favor, bringing advantage out of sorrow and order out of disorder.

We determined to mature in our relationships with men and women, learning the meaning of a partnership of equals, seeking neither dominance over people nor servile dependency on them.

We sought thorough confident praying, and the wisdom of Scripture for an ongoing growth in our relationship with God and a humble acceptance of His guidance for our lives.

Having had a spiritual awakening, we tried to carry this message to homosexual people with a love that demands nothing and to practice these steps in all our lives' activities, as far as lies within us.

Last modified 1 March 1997.