Prayer for Forgiveness
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This process is called the four-part forgiveness at Christian Healing Ministries.

Part 1: Hold up to the Lord all the things about the person that trouble you.

Have the person hold up to the Lord all the things a particular person has done that bothers her. I tell the person, "I want you to put your hands together so you can pile up, in your hands, all the things you are going to give to the Lord. For example, if it is your father, we will list and name all those things that trouble you or upset you about him. It is important to verbally, out loud, say each thing as you are placing them in your hands." When the person is finished (and do ask if they are finished) tell her to turn her hands over and release them to the Lord. At this point I like to pray a prayer something like this:

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, we give you each one of these things and ask that you take them and pour your love and healing power through them. We thank you Lord that you have the power and the grace to redeem them. We ask you, Lord Jesus, to lift all the pain and hurt that has been involved with each one of these things, that you lift it from (person's name) heart, from her mind, from her spirit. We ask that you lift the burden of these things from her shoulders. We give all this to you, Lord, and trust you to deal with it. Thank you Lord for taking each one of these things. Amen.

PART 2: Hold up to the Lord all the things about you that trouble this person, justified or not.

Have the person put her hands together again and hold up all those things about herself that may trouble the other person. In other words, what is it about her that might be troubling to that other person. Then, do the same verbal listing of these things by piling them up, one by one, in her hands. When she can't think of anything else, I ask her to turn her hands over and release these things to the Lord. Now, I pray a similar prayer:

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, we ask you to come and pour your love and healing power over these things. We ask that you take them and we thank you for taking them and dealing with them, for releasing this burden from (other's name). We trust you, Lord, to heal this hurt and pain. Amen.

PART 3: Hold up to the Lord your heart's desire for this person.

Have her hold that particular person up to the Lord and share with the Lord what the desire of her heart is for this person. Say, "Lord, this is my Dad and this is what I would like for you to do with my Dad." (It is important to mention here that if the person has died it's okay to lift this person to the Lord and share with the Lord what the desire of your heart is for this person.) Have her list those things, placing them in her hands. When she is finished, have her turn her hands over and give them all to the Lord, just as she has done before. At this point I would pray something like:

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, we give (other's name) to you and we ask that you take him. We thank you that you are able to handle him better than anyone else. Bring about your perfect will for (other's name) and let your love pour into him and your healing power to flow over him. We release him into your care. Thank you, Lord.

If your counselee has more than one person to forgive in this session, you would repeat parts 1, 2, and 3 for each person. Finish with part 4 as follows.

PART 4: Hold up to the Lord your heart's desire for yourself

The last thing I have the person do is hold herself up to the Lord and share with Him what the desires of her heart are for herself, what she would really like to see Jesus do in her life today. As she puts her hands together, she says these things out loud and put them into her hands. I ask her to turn her hands over and release them to the Lord.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, we release these things to you. We ask that you pour your love and mercy and grace into each one of them. We thank you Lord Jesus, that (person's name) is trusting you with each of these things. Surround her with your heavenly angels, Lord, and most of all, help her to know how much you love her. Amen.