House Blessings
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Living Room

May this room be a place of peace and harmony, a hub of the social life of those who live here. May it be permeated with God's love and fellowship.


May this room be a place of peace, harmony and restoration. May this room be a place of protection from physical and spiritual evil. May God's presence be upon this room in power, to bless those who abide in it.


May this room and its contents be blessed. May they be protected from harm and from accidents. May God's blessing be upon those who look at these clothes.


May this room be blessed as a place of healing, cleansing, and relief. May those who use this room be protected from accidents and healed of their diseases. May those who use this room feel the loving presence of God Almighty caring for them.


May this room be blessed as a place of provision and harmony. May those provisions prepared here be protected from sickness, evil and harm. May any food additives be kept from doing harm. May those who use this room be protected from any dangerous chemicals stored here. May this be a room of fellowship and peace. Bless those who use this room with creativity and wisdom.

Dining Room

May this room be a place of peace and harmony. May all food served here be blessed with healing and nutrition, protection from sickness and all harm. May fellowship be enjoyed at this table.

Whole House

May this house and its contents be blessed with protection from wind, flood and fire, from physical assault and from spiritual attack. May those who enter this house be blessed with healing and salvation in all areas of their lives; spirit, soul and body. May those who enter this house be delivered from any evil influences they may have picked up. May those who enter this house be cut free from any sadness, negativity, despair, resentment or anxiety. May those who enter this house receive the love, joy and peace of Christ..

(An excellent book on purifying your home is Spiritual House Cleaning by Eddie & Alice Smith.)

(another good book is Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness by Chuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Sytsema)