Triumph Counseling Ministries Training Manual
Prayer of Confession and Salvation

Accepting the fact that all have sinned: I here and now before holy God, ask Jesus Christ of Nazareth to save me, confess my sins, sin nature, and the sins of my ancestors which may have affected me. I repent and turn from all of my sins claiming the blood of the lord Jesus Christ for cleansing and protection from the accuser.

I ask the lord Jesus Christ to destroy all the works of the devil and all curses, which may have been put upon me. I renounce all other gods, taking back any place of ownership, which I may have given to Satan in my heart and life.

I now invite Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I receive Him as my personal savior and make Him the lord of my life. I thank Him for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.

I declare my body to be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto god. I submit my body to be the temple of the living God through the holy spirit to bring glory and honor to His name.





(Sign all your complete names) (Date)
1. Romans 3:23
6. 1 John 1:9
11. Eph. 4:27
2. I John 1:7
7. Revelation 12:11,12
12. Romans 10:13
3. I John 1:8
8. 1 John 3:8b
13. John 1:12
4. Exodus 20:5
9. Gal. 3:13
14. John 3:16
5. Acts 3:19
10. Exodus 20:2-3
15. Romans 12:1,2
16. I Corinthians 3:16,17; 6:19,20. 

This "Prayer of Confession and Salvation" has been prepared by: 
DRS. WAYNE W. AND BARBARA H. UPTON        updated:  04/19/2017