God and Evil
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Why would a sovereign, loving God allow evil like the Holocaust?  Are there things He can't do?  Is He really loving?  Why is God allowing me to be tormented by these demons?

God limits His sovereignty in areas where God's people are at. In Genesis, God gave Adam & Eve sovereignty over the whole world. That promise He gave them meant He backed off to let them exercise their sovereignty. They were seduced to violate a capital sin, but God's promise remained.

Adam & Eve "hid" from God, knowing they were in dire trouble. But God gave them mercy, which is postponed justice. Inevitably, this promise will be fulfilled, but he gave each generation several decades to be fruitful and multiply before justice was fulfilled by their death. If their death happened early, they were still going to the same place, to eventually be judged based upon what they had done with what they had been given.

In the meantime, God waits for us to contact Him through prayer. He won't violate the sovereignty He has given us. The gifts and authority await our submission to His Son so we can be declared righteous and have eternal life. The Authority is in the Holy Spirit who indwells us when we receive God the Son into our hearts. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are ours for the asking, seeking and knocking.

Most of the time, God will step into your life if some Christian is exercising his sovereignty by praying to God for you.  (Demons can step into your life if you have given them permissions, directly or indirectly.  They will also step into your life if a human sends them against you.  The Holy Spirit will temporarily drive them out by the authority of a Christian.)

God deals with us as families and groups as well as individuals. Thus we must deny ourselves, die to our group connections to follow Him. Even so, sometimes we are persecuted as members of groups we renounced and as members of the Body of Christ which we embrace. As Christians we can intercede for groups as well as individuals.

We need to pray for guidance in ALL things and God's action in ALL areas & societies around us. We need to pray for those who persecute us physically, mentally and spiritually. We need to pray for those who pump demons into the dirt, water and air of our environment. We need to exercise the Authority of the Holy Spirit to drive off those demons on all of this. "If a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with us." Without prayer, we have no help from God. With some prayer, we occasionally get run over by the sin in our society and ourselves. But God is still being true to His original covenant with Adam.
