Heart-Washing Time
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Heart-washing for Maturity

“You (the disciples) are already clean because of the Word I (Jesus) have spoken to you.” -- John 15:3

Have a Retreat. Let God talk to you.  Maybe it is just getting away into a quiet room, away from the kids, television & phone. Maybe it is driving off into the country or desert. The point is to get away from the demands on your life for a time. Especially if things have been hectic.


  1. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.

  2. Ask Jesus to take you to each of the early painful incidents that changed your life. He wants to bless them.
  3. Go back into each of the incidents, one at a time. Relive it. Feel it. What ungodly lesson did you learn? Despair? Distrust? Shame? Fear? Hate?
  4. Ask the true Lord Jesus what He wants you to know about this situation and lesson. Listen in silence. See if He gives you any images. Are there any impressions?

After your time with God, is there any forgiveness, renunciations or life changes that this retreat made possible, that you should do?