Pray for Personalities

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I,____________, receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of my total being, and invite the Holy Spirit to take control of my body, soul and spirit. 

I commit my total being to be under the direction of the Holy Spirit, so that He can convict, teach and bring to remembrance all things. My desire is to serve the Lord God and Him only. I ask the Lord God to unite my heart, including all segments of my personality, to fear His name, that I might be transformed by the renewing of my mind. 

I renounce any gods, which I may have put before the Lord God including myself, some other person or thing, taking back any place that I may have given. 

In the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command all altars to be destroyed and all entities associated with them leave me now, never to return. 

Thank you, Father God, that Jesus Christ became the faithful High Priest to make atonement for the people's sin. For He is our peace, breaking down the middle wall of partition, and making in Himself one new man, thereby making peace. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________  
(All names and identifiers you have gone by)                             (Date) 
1. I Thess 5:23     2. John 14:26     3. Rom. 8:14     4. Psalm 86:11-12     5. Rom. 12:2 
6. Exodus 20:3-6     7. Eph. 4:27     8. Phil. 2:9-11     9. Heb.,2:16-17     10. Eph. 2:14-16 
Drs. Wayne W. & Barbara H. Upton 
6730 Ricker Road Jacksonville, FL 32244 (C)