Norse Self-deliverance
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The Norse religion is based on fictional 'gods' fronting for real demons who received idolatry, fasting, worship and sacrifices. These demon ‘gods’ are still around, are receiving worship & sacrifices and are again being used.  The worship & sacrifices add another level of complication to clean up.

The first step is to ensure you have the authority to do the cleanup. "Our Father who art in heaven, I receive Jesus Christ of Nazareth, your Son, to be my savior and master. I will trust and obey him for the rest of my life. Amen."

"Odin" is the main demon god of the Norse.

The lesser demon gods.
Thor Loki Frey Vidar Hel Frigg
Freyr Freya Heimdall Jord The Norns Skade
Jord Forseti Tyr Niord ULL Pan

"all other Norse demon-gods"

For each of the above demons:

1. "I renounce _______ in Jesus' name. I break any seals or creative powers over any talismans or runes dedicated to ________."
2. "I break the power of sacrifices, fasting, chanting and worship given to ________ in Jesus' name."
3. "I command _______ to leave me, my family, my property, my finances and those who have helped me in Jesus' name."

Now finish with the following prayer:

"Our Father who art in heaven, open my eyes to see any objects I might have that are still contaminated that must be gotten rid of. I unstack the Kundalinis in me down to elementary demons.  I command the elementary demons to leave now. Father, fill me with Your Holy Spirit in all the areas that these demons have left. Protect me from sickness, harm and accidents. I thank you for all you have done for me, in the true Jesus’ name.   Amen."