Prayer Evangelism
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One day I was talking to people at work about the drugs and disabilities they had.  When the conversation wound down, I asked, "are you open to alternative medicine?  I have seen this healed through prayer in a matter of minutes."

Suddenly there was tension in the air.  They felt awkward.  Excuses were attempted.  A catholic said, ""But they don't have faith for healing."  Beautiful segue.  I said, "My faith can bring healing to that person."  The Catholic was stunned.  The rest were surprised.

Evidently they had held to the Humanist belief that all "faith" healing was based on the power of hypnotic suggestion by enlisting the help of the all-powerful subconscious. The idea that my faith could heal someone else punched a hole in that theory.

We went back to work.  The next morning I talked to the woman in the next cube about praying for dogs and cats being effective.  No faith there.

Later in the day she came by with a problem the doctors couldn't cure.  Could I pray for her?  I immediately prayed for her, knowing God likes to answer requests like that.  For the rest of the day, she went around telling everyone I had prayed for her and she felt better.  Hey, free advertising for God!