five-fold ministry This is based on IAN McCORMACK SPEAKING ON THE 5 FOLD MINISTRY Ephesians 4:11-16 There are many teachers who are teaching about these five ministries referred to in Ephesians 4:11-16. The Bride of Christ should be made up of five ministries, but it usually isn't. It is generally led by a one-man show, trying to be all five ministries by himself. He might have one or two office gifts, but the rest of the office gifts aren't addressed. Sometimes the pastor will hire itinerate Christians with an office gift he doesn't have. But the itinerate is not part of the body. If one of the ministries tries to settle in, the pastor will feel anxious and either freeze the minister out or kick him out. Romans 12:3-8 The office gift people will often form their own groups in the community, depriving the churches of the mix. Sometimes the pastor will claim all the office gifts are being used in a community in different churches and that gives us balance. No. This is a cop-out for avoiding sharing ministry as a body of Christ with others. 1 Cor. 12:14-30 shows there must be a mix of ministries in each church. The pastor can say He is the head of the church because he is the most responsible. Therefore he will keep a representative of each of the ministries for council. Jesus takes second place. No one can disagree with the pastor. All he needs is someone with a gift of giving. Doom will come eventually. According to Ephesians 2:19-22 God's household (building) should be built on the foundation of Christ as the cornerstone, to build His Holy Temple. The Temple is to be the dwelling of God the Holy Spirit. The perimeter foundation is apostles. The floor foundation is the prophets. The wall foundation is the teachers. The roof is the pastors. The evangelists bring in the Christians. Here's a 10 minute video if you don't have much time: "The Genius of the Five Fold Ministry Gifts" edited: April 19, 2017 orderofsaintpatrick.org/church/five-fold-ministry.htm |