Science vs Satan God the Father and God the Son hold truth to be very important. "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Liars and lying are heavily censured. Because of this, it is possible to build a logical chain of truth. In human inquiry, we need to gain a high credibility to our hypothesis by it being demonstrably repeatable, isolatable from extra causes and critically verifiable. Even so, we can only be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. Science is respected for what it can discover in its seeking truth. Science depends upon a respect for truth to work. In fields of inquiry that don't affect people directly, this is easy to come by. Among atheists and occultists, "truth" is abstract. It is a word to be used for its positive emotional impact. Likewise "science." Words don't really mean anything. Vladmir Lenin said "Give me 26 lead soldiers and I will conquer the world." {The 26 "lead soldiers" is referring to the 26 letters of the alphabet.} Emotional motivation is all that counts. When scientific inquiry leads to inconvenient truth, atheists can take several anti-scientific directions:
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updated: 04/21/2017 orderofsaintpatrick.org |